Monday 25 July 2016

5 Health Symptoms Men Should Pay Attention To

TV’s most famous doctor, Dr. Oz, outlines 5 health symptoms that men should watch out for in honour of Men’s Health Month. 

When was the last time you went in for your annual checkup? In honor of Men’s Health Month, I want to discuss the importance of paying attention to your body and visiting your primary care physician on a regular basis. If you’re healthy, a yearly visit might be sufficient but if you have a family history of any disease, have a pre-existing condition, or have suffered an injury, you may have to follow up with a doctor or specialist more often. A doctor’s visit is as much a part of a healthy lifestyle as clean eating and consistent exercise. If you have any issues or symptoms, especially any of the below, don’t be afraid to speak up and let your doctor know.

Back Pain

Whether it’s a muscle ache or sharp tension, back pain can be a symptom of serious health issues. It may indicate a spinal or muscle injury, the onset of kidney stones, infection, inflammation (like arthritis) or even cancer, when a tumor metastasizes to the spine. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases recommends seeing a doctor when you have back pain after a fall or injury, prolonged pain that doesn’t subside, numbness, tingling, or back pain accompanied by other symptoms, such as trouble urinating, numbness in the legs, or unintentional weight loss.

Erectile Dysfunction

Many men experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives but if this is an ongoing issue for you, it may mean there’s something else going on. Talk to your doctor if you have a family history of or are at risk for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression, all of which can affect your ability to maintain an erection.

Urinary Troubles

Going to the bathroom more or less often? According to the American Urological Association, 30 percent of men have an overactive bladder. Speak to your primary care physician about any changes in your urinary habits. Frequent urination may be a symptom of prostate cancer, diabetes, or prostatic hyperplasia, where the prostate enlarges and narrows the urethra. See a urologist if you’re concerned about any genitourinary symptoms, such as noticing a weak stream of urine, difficulty starting urination, dribbling urine, or incontinence.


About a third of your day is spent asleep, which is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. Snoring can be a minor nuisance to anyone sleeping near you but it can also interrupt your own sleep schedule, whether you realize it or not. It may be a sign of sleep apnea, a common but chronic sleep disorder that should be treated. When sleep apnea worsens, it puts you at risk for high blood pressure, heart problems, and diabetes. Not sure if you snore in your sleep? Turn on a recorder and leave it next to your bed overnight and then check the recording the next day. Take note especially for periods during sleep when you stop breathing completely while snoring.

Weight Gain or Loss

Sudden or unexplained weight fluctuations may occur even when you’re not on a diet. This can be a result of an allergy, depression, thyroid imbalance, or cancer so it’s important to take note of any ups and downs and keep your doctor updated of unexpected weight changes.

Top 10 Bible Foods With Healing Properties

All throughout the Bible, references are made to the medicinal properties of foods and herbs.

Representing health and longevity from Almighty God, the importance of diet and of preparing and eating food was oftentimes seen as a spiritual act.

If you want to consume some of the most common foods mentioned for their health properties in the Bible, then try these top 10 healing foods.

Whether you eat, drink or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31

Top 10 Bible Foods With Healing Properties
1. Olives and Olive Oil – Then it shall come about when the Lord your God brings you into the land which He swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you, great and splendid cities which you did not build, and houses full of all good things which you did not fill, and hewn cisterns which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant, and you eat and are satisfied. (Deuteronomy 6:10-11)

The Jews were the elite olive merchants of their day. During antiquity, this precious commodity was used for its healing capabilities, for cooking, to light lamps, for soaps, for cosmetics and even for currency.Olive oilwas considered so sacred to ancient culture that it was even used to anoint kings and priests. Hence, the Hebrew for Messiah, Moshiach, meaning “anointed one!”

Research has been conducted that proves regular consumption of olives and olive oil contributes to heart, brain skin and joint health. They have even been linked to cancer and diabetes prevention. Needless to say, this sacred foodstuff has lived up to its ancient reputation!

2. Pomegranate – For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, flowing forth in valleys and hills; a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees andpomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey. (Deuteronomy 8:7-8)

Tasty, messy and just recently gaining ground in the American market these past few years, several research studies have shown that pomegranates contain strong anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-obesity and anti-tumor properties. According to researchers, “Many beneficial effects are related to the presence of ellagic acid, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and flavones, which seem to be its most therapeutically beneficial components.” Subsequently, pomegranates are being considered valid treatment options for chronic diseases such as cancer, insulin resistance, intestinal inflammation and obesity.

3. Fermented Grapes – May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better thanwine. (Song of Solomon 1:2)

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has touted for years that regularly drinking a 4-oz glass of red wine will lower your risk of developing heart disease. Nonetheless, because of the inherent dangers in consuming too much alcohol, the Mayo Clinic cautions drinking much more than this amount.

When grape juice is fermented, natural anti-oxidant and flavonoid properties are exemplified through a substance called resveratrol. Consequently, researchers have focused much of their attention on evaluating the health benefits of resveratrol in recent years, which has been linked to chronic disease reversal including diabetes and obesity.

4. Flax – An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels… She looks for wool andflax. And works with her hands in delight. (Proverbs 31:10,13)

One of the most important plant fibers in the Bible, flax has been used to make linen for as long as recorded history. Although it has been widely replaced by cotton in recent years, flax remains one of the most important fiber plants in the world.

Having a rich history of medicinal use dating back to Babylon in 3000 BC, flax seed has been wholeheartedly embraced by natural health and medical circles alike because it provides a natural, vegan source of Omega-3 essential fatty acid, lignans, and fiber. Subsequently, flax can help fight against cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
5. Sprouted Grain Bread – Take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt; put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread for yourself. (Ezekiel 4:9).

In the Book of Ezekiel, God gave the prophet Ezekiel a recipe for what has proven to be the perfect bread as science has recently shown us that it creates the “complete protein,” one that contains all essential amino acids. The main reason that Ezekiel bread is healthier than other breads is because the grains and legumes are soaked and sprouted which makes them easier to digest.

Harvesting “sprouted grains” happens right after the seed has started to sprout, but before it has developed into a full-grown plant. During this critical growth state, the young shoot digests a portion of the starch to fuel its growth. Subsequently, because the grain’s starch has been utilized, the level of vital nutrients including proteins, vitamins, and minerals enhanced. Additionally, research studies have suggested that iron and zinc actually become more “bioavailable,” (i.e. more easily absorbed) after sprouting.

6. Raw Milk – The lambs will be for your clothing and the goats will bring the price of a field. There will be goats’ milk enough for your food,for the food of your household,and sustenance for your maidens.  (Proverbs 27:26-27)

Raw milk is filled with the vitamins and minerals that contribute to a healthy dental fluid flow and help maintain strong teeth. Loaded with calcium, vitamin K2, magnesium, phosphorus, and fat-soluble vitamins researchers have carried out a comparative study on the properties of cows’ milk compared to those of goats’ milk and have discovered that goat’s milk may be even more beneficial.

Unlike cows’ milk, scientists from the University of Granada has revealed that data concerning goats’ milk suggests that it could prevent diseases such as anemia and bone demineralization. Additionally, goats’ milk has properties that help with the digestive and metabolic utilization of minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

7. Lamb – Now you shall eat it [the unblemished lamb] in this manner: with your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste—it is the Lord’s Passover. (Exodus 12:11)

Due to the significance of the Passover Lamb and equating that role to Christ, lambs are the most revered animal in history, and the most honored food in the Bible. Lamb is the meat of young sheep that are generally one year old or younger. Due to slaughtering the animal at such a young age, the marble fat content is considerably lower than older varieties of meat, which contributes to heart health and helps prevent again obesity. Rich in protein, vitamin B12, and minerals it is arguably the healthiest red meat on the planet.

On a side note, make sure to purchase local, organic, grass-fed varieties when possible. Grain-fed animals are loaded with genetically modified corn feed, countless additives and are simply not worth the risk.

8. Bitter Herbs (coriander and parsley) – They shall eat the flesh that same night, roasted with fire, and they shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. (Exodus 12:8)

Scholars are not in complete agreement which plants the authors of Bible were referring to when writing about “bitter herbs,” but coriander and parsley generally make the list.

Coriander is the seed of the powerful anti-oxidant and natural cleansing agent cilantro. Europeans refer to it as the “anti-diabetic” because of its uncanny ability to regulate blood sugar, and Indian folk medicine praise it for being an effective anti-inflammatory.

Also used for chronic disease reversal, parsley has been shown to normalize blood pressure, help prevent cancer and offer joint pain relief due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It is a rich source of several crucial vitamins including Vitamin A, B12, C and K.

9. Vegetables – Please test your servants for ten days, and let us be given some vegetables to eat and water to drink. (Daniel 1:12)

Instead of eating the tasty dainties of the Babylonians, Daniel and his friends requested to live on a vegetarian diet. When it was time for them to be presented to the king, Nebuchadnezzar and all of the leaders were astounded to see that the 4 young Jewish friends were more fit and looked better than the other young men who ate the Babylonian fare. Often referred to as the Daniel “diet,” history and biblical text actually support that Daniel continued his vegetarian lifestyle throughout his entire life.

Of all the food groups, vegetables are arguably the most nutrient-dense and safest to eat. There’s relatively no risk in consuming too many of them; whereas, if you eat fruit all day, you run the risk of spiking your blood sugar or developing dental caries because of the excess sugar.

Vegetables are so effective at healing that, according to the National Cancer Institute, cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cabbage, collards, kale, radish etc.) can help prevent cancer because they are rich in glucosinolates – a large group of sulfur-containing glucosides. Known to break down during chewing and digestion, these powerhouse chemicals can slow down and even reverse cancer cells growth. Additionally, it has also been reported that glucosinolates can treat the following health concerns:

Bacterial and viral infections
Carcinogenic toxicity
Tumor angiogenesis (blood vessel formation)
Tumor metastasis (tumor migration)

10. Raw Honey – Have you found honey? Eat only what you need that you not have it in excess and vomit it. (Proverbs 25:16)

It’s no wonder raw honey is referred to as “liquid gold.” The medicinal applications to the skin and internal body seem limitless. First of all, raw honey is loaded with key vitamins (B1 – B6 and C) and it contains several minerals (calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc).

In addition to being a fantastic replacement to energy drinks for athletes and people needing a little boost, raw honey also contains a full spectrum of anti-oxidants and supports the growth of probiotics in gastrointestinal tract including (Bifidobacteria). Another fascinating quality of honey is its ability to help prevent seasonal allergies. However, be sure to purchase the local variety as it will contain indigenous pollen species unlike generic store bought brands.

Who would have thought that you could get nutritional advice in the Bible, huh? At the end of the day, if it were good enough for people back then to eat, it’s probably good for us today.

Saturday 23 July 2016

10 Tips To Protect Yourself From HeartBreaks

Unless you are willing to isolate yourself completely and never form a bond with any other human being, you are likely to experience heartbreak at some time in your life. That, though, is very unlikely, because human beings are naturally very sociable, and there is so much to be gained from relationships. Is heartbreak just something we have to live with, or can we take steps to at least minimize the pain? Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to stop having to have your heart broken too many times, and to make those heartbreaks that you do experience less painful. Here are ten tips on how to protect your heart from heartbreak.

1. Don’t expect that every man you meet will be the one you marry

The first thing you can do, to make love and the heartbreaks that often come with it a little easier to bear, is to avoid rushing into new relationships and avoid blindly trusting every guy you meet. Fairy-tale romances are beautiful to believe in and you can hold a happy image of your future in mind, but don’t expect that every man you meet will be one you settle down with and marry. Life is never quite as simple, as it is in the movies, so listen to your heart as well as your mind, and you won’t be so disappointed if things don’t work out.

2. Use your head, as well as your heart

It is hard not to let your heart rule your head when you fall in love, but you really should try and find a balance if you can. Dating is not only about the great nights out and the fun time. If you are serious about a guy, then it’s about your future too. Try and take a cold, analytical look at the people you date and ask yourself, is he really the man I want to spend the rest of my life with?

3. Don’t settle for less than you deserve

You can’t sit on the side-lines, turning down everyone that you meet, but you have the right to be a little bit picky! Don’t jump into serious relationships with guys that you are unsure about and keep your eyes open for their faults. You should only be making commitments to men you are absolutely crazy about, so don’t settle for second best just because you don’t want to be on your own.

4. Don’t let love blind you to the truth

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but it doesn’t mend a broken heart. Don’t ignore he signs that he might be fooling around. It’s so easy to blind yourself to the obvious signs that a guy is messing you around. You tell yourself that ‘he wouldn’t’, ‘he couldn’t’ and ‘it’s not happening’. If you think that your man is playing away, then ask him for the truth, because if you ignore it, it will only make the inevitable breakup even more painful when it comes.

5. Don’t rush into things

Take things steady, even when you think you have met the One. If you go from first kiss, to moving in with him, within a few days, you are likely to be very disappointed. The idea of whirlwind romances sounds wonderful, but they rarely go the distance. If he really is the One, then he’s not going to mind you taking things slowly at first.

6. Talk about the relationship

When you are starting to feel that the relationship could be really going places, make sure that he feels the same way. Try and find out what his plans for the future are, and tell him how you are feeling about the relationship. You don’t want to find yourself saying: ‘But I thought you wanted the same things as I do’.

7. Keep your options open, especially in the earlier stages of a relationship

While cheating or flirting with other guys is never a good idea, you shouldn’t exclude all other members of the opposite sex from your life, just because you are in love with someone. It sounds a bit callous to say, keep your options open, but you really should, especially in the earlier stages of a relationship. You don’t have to completely alienate other men, because you’ve just met Mr Right; just let them know that you are not available, at the moment.

8. Don’t forget your friends

Your friends will be there for you through any number of different relationships, so long as you don’t dump all your friends the moment you fall in love. It’s healthy to have friends outside of a relationship anyway, so stay in touch with them and go out with them sometimes. Don’t make one man your entire world, however much you love him.

9. Listen to what other people are saying

You can date whoever you want, but it is still wise to listen to what other people say about your man. If your friends and family don’t seem to like your guy, there could be very good reasons for that. Sometimes, people who are not in the relationship can see far more, than the person who is in love.

10. Don’t lose sight of your own goals

Love is great; it’s a wonderful feeling, but it shouldn’t be the only thing in your life. Keep your hobbies, interests and follow your own dreams, because you are more than just the other half of a relationship. Your life is your own and, so long as you never lose sight of that, you will always have something else to concentrate on, if love doesn’t quite work out the way you had hoped it would.

Seven S*x Moves to Make You a Hero in Bed

You will need these seven must-have moves to make your bedroom game a most pleasurable one for you and your partner.

Looking for a way to increase your bedroom pleasure? Look no farther as these seven must-have moves will make your dream come true.

Tracey Cox, while writing on Dailymail has revealed the qualities that separate an average lover from a brilliant one.

1. You listen and learn

There’s no such thing as someone who is good at sex, it completely depends on who your partner is.

When we say someone’s brilliant in bed, what we’re really saying is they like the same style of s*x we do and practice techniques the way we like them.

Match someone who likes intimate, romantic s*x with someone who’s into S&M and it’s highly unlikely either will rush back to their friends and rave about what a great lover their new partner is.

If you want to be the best lover your partner’s ever had, you need to do the things they like.

It really is as simple as that.

Technique can be learned but you’d be far better off knowing nothing and listening to your partner and being guided by them than having a wealth of experience and doing what youthink they want.

2. You’ve mastered the basics but customise to suit

Most people know which bits fit where but you need specific, nitty-gritty information to be a good lover.

A lot of s*x information is too general: it talks about how women need clitoral stimulation and men love receiving oral s*x. Great advice but if you haven’t got the foggiest of how to do either, utterly useless.

S*x is a bit like typing.

You can get by using two fingers but you’ll never be as good as someone who learnt to touch-type and practised every night.

Going back to grass-roots level on all the basics (how to stimulate with your fingers, tongue, using a sex toy etc) and checking you’re on the right track technique wise is a good idea for all of us, no matter how hot you secretly think you are.

S*x skills can be learned and we can all improve on them.

Having said that, the trick is to master a few, basic techniques (my book Hot S*x: How to do It has lots of step-by-step practical tips on this) then customise them to suit the person you’re with (no book can tell you how to do this – only they can).

S*x isn’t one-technique-suits-all: what worked for one lover, won’t necessarily work for another.

3. Practice does make perfect

The best predictor of orgasm in young women is the number of sexual experiences they’ve had.

In other words, the more sex you’ve had, the ‘better’ you are at it.

One study of more than 6,000 young women (2012) found rates of orgasm and enjoyment increased dramatically from that first, fumbled, awkward sex encounter to later s*x sessions when the women understood their bodies more and what feels good.

Experience helps.

4. You don’t judge

Being able to calmly listen to what your partner wants and needs sexually without having a kneejerk reaction or taking it personally (‘What’s wrong with the sex we have now? Are you bored of me?) is hugely important.

Even if you admit you aren’t interested in trying any of what they suggest, the very fact that they can ask, knowing you won’t judge them or make a fuss, is an enormously positive factor for most people.

5. You’re open to trying new things

Routine is comforting for lots of people and sex is no exception.

But while being in a routine is a bonus for making you stick to going to the gym, it’s the kiss of death in the bedroom. The main reason why people don’t try new things isn’t because they’re worried they won’t like it, it’s because they’re nervous they’ll look foolish or won’t be good at it.

Obviously, you are justified saying no to certain experiences but having a sense of fun and a ‘Why not?’ attitude is crucial to having satisfying, enjoyable sex.

6. You’re able to talk about s*x without embarrassment

If you only put one tick in the box, this is by far the most important. It’s something we hear time and time again – that couples should talk about sex

Anyone who has ever done ‘The Cube’ mind exercise knows even though we think everyone thinks the same, we all visualise very different things even for mundane objects.

(The Cube asks you to describe simple things like a horse, flowers, a cube and a desert: most people are shocked to find how varied and individual our imaginations really are.)

It’s the same with s*x.

Your idea of ‘fast’ or ‘soft’ may not be their idea of it so always show and tell, if possible.

As a rule of thumb, to avoid offending (and ruining the sex you’re having at the time), give only positive feedback during sex and any negative feedback afterward.

S*x is a sensitive subject for pretty much everyone, so make sure any criticism you do give is done with affection, sensitivity and tact.

7. You’re not self-conscious

Looking attractive and having a great body will get you attention, compliments and lots of ‘likes’.

But having confidence and feeling sexy is much more important than having supermodel good looks and a ‘perfect’ bod.

What is a perfect body anyway?

Some men love Kim Kardashian size buttocks, others are repulsed; some women love big muscles on men, others think they look ridiculous.

Yes, you’re heard it before (many, many, many times), this time believe it: confidence is what’s sexy.

Having s*x with the light on and on top of the covers with an average body is going to get you a lot further than looking like Gigi, clutching the covers up to your chin and wanting complete darkness.

Checkout the 10 Most Annoying Things People Do on Public Transport

There are certain annoying things people do when they get on public transport. Here are some of those things.

If there’s one thing worse than a late train or bus, it’s the people you have to share it with. We list the smells, sounds and space invaders that make public transport such a pain.

From late buses to never getting a seat on the train, public transport is bound to raise our stress levels – and once aboard, our fellow passengers don’t help.

A recent survey by price comparison site has found that screaming babies and incessant chatterboxes are among the least popular travel companions. But what else gets our blood boiling?

We’ve rounded up the 10 most annoying things that happen on public transport.

1. Loud phone calls

It’s 7am. Nobody needs to hear about what you had for dinner last night, the ‘hilarious’ thing your dog did this morning and where you’re going this weekend. Not least at decibels that match the sound of a jumbo jet taking off.

2. Bad hygiene

Hundreds of strangers crammed in one another’s personal space is bad enough – let’s not throw in bad breath and B.O. to make it worse.

3. Putting your feet on seats

This is particularly rage-inducing when there’s nowhere else to sit. Where do you think you are? You aren’t kicking back on a chaise lounge – sit properly.

4. Playing loud music

Nobody asked you to DJ their commute. Especially not to the sounds of some tinny, techno remix that sounds like somebody dropping a xylophone down a flight of stairs.

5. Eating smelly food

Few things in this world smell worse than someone else’s McDonalds combined with that certain mystery must you only find on public transport.

6. Reading over somebody else’s shoulder

Glad you find my half-composed text message or copy of Gone Girl so interesting but please stop before I end up locked in the awkward struggle of wondering whether to turn the page when I’m finished or wait for you to catch up.

7. Carrying enormous bags during rush hour

We know it’s unfair. We know it can’t always be helped. And we know we’ve all been guilty of it at some stage. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s so very, very annoying for half the carriage to be taken out like dominoes every time the passenger carrying a rucksack big enough for a round-the-world trip turns round.

8. Carrying out an entire beauty regime

Women applying makeup on public transport has always been hotly debated, dividing us into Team ‘Just Get Up Earlier’ and Team ‘But I’m Not Hurting Anyone’. But we’re not talking about popping on a touch of lippy or topping up your mascara – we’re talking about applying nail varnish, plucking brows and clipping nails – basically anything you’d normally confine to your bathroom. There’s a time and a place for all of that. And the 296 bus is not it.

9. Public displays of affection

Who wants to spend their hour-long commute playing everybody’s favourite game, Trying Not To Make Eye Contact With The Couple Exploring Eachother’s Tonsils Opposite You?

10. Being a space invader

Next time you’re tempted to sprawl out, taking up three seats and a large proportion of the aisle on a busy bus or train, could you just… not? Thanks

5 Ways Typical Nigerians Deal With Heartbreak

Heartbreaks are quite difficult to deal with especially if it has to do with someone you really love. These are certain ways Nigerian girls do after breakups.

If you find any person sitting on a bed, eating ice cream and crying over a breakup, chances are that person is not a typical Nigerian.

Yes, like it is with most other people from around the world, a heartbreak can be an overwhelming experience for any Nigerian: the pain of losing the one the heart desires, the shame of being rejected, the self-doubt that sets in with denial and most of all the emotional pain which is far worse than physical pain.

They, however, understand that a huge heartbreak is not a disease and does not precipitate any form of paralysis or keep them from enjoying the rest of our lives and relationships. Wondering how a typical Nigerian deals with heartbreak? Jumia Travel reveals the five key things they do

1. Maintain their normal routine

After a heartbreak, you most likely feel like your heart has been forcefully ripped out of its rib cage and you just want to crawl into fetal position and cry yourself to oblivion, but a typical Nigerian, despite feeling such a way, goes on strong in maintaining his/her normal routine. This is perhaps the hardest thing to do but they realize it somehow renews their sense of purpose, reminds them of their value and took their mind off of the hole in my chest. Some even take on some kind of intense, rage-based workout routine. They keep busy, forcing themselves to do things and be around people.

2. Put away all Keepsakes and mementoes

Hanging on to what was is a sure way of limiting progress. A good way start for most Nigerians who embark on the journey of letting is putting away keepsakes that evoke memories. They do not necessarily destroy it, as they do not know how handy it may be in the future, but they separate themselves from it. They also block the heartbreaker on social media, as they know that despite how mature and reasonable they are the occasional reminder of him/her on their wall or timeline, could be a huge setback.

3. Find comfort in music, comedy and partying with friends

Nigerians tend to have an affiliation to music and it is no surprise as music is food for the soul. A typical Nigerian would turn to music for healing after a heartbreak or record a song about it, maybe even become a star when the song becomes a hit. Rather than dwell on the past or lost future, they distract themselves with positivity and laughter with friends. They spend time watching old favorites and seeking out new funny films or they go partying for a head rush.

4. Go On a Trip

A typical Nigerian, who has the time and money, would set out on a trip when dealing with heartbreak. Nothing does well for the soul like shopping and traveling. Heartbreak gives a level of freedom, especially when the heartbreak is from a failed relationship, and Nigerians have over time realized that know that there is something incredibly healing about getting away from it all .

5. Pray

Nigerians are highly religious people and no matter their sect, they do not hesitate to get on their knees and pray to their God for help in times of heartbreak. In fact, that the period they become most spiritual and close to God. They spend time asking God to grant them a forgiving heart, healing , understanding and the strength to move on.